Comment une agence nationale gère efficacement 3,7 millions de parcelles de
terres publiques en utilisant un environnement de données spécialement conçu par Mapbis
Client:Direction générale de la propriété nationale; gère plus de 200 000 km2 de terres publiques en Turquie
Défi: Fournir un système facile à utiliser pour gérer les données de 3,7 millions de parcelles de terres publiques
Solution: L’environnement SIG évolutif de Mapbis, synthétisant toutes les données dans un système pouvant être mis à jour instantanément, permettant un suivi aisé des opérations, analyses et planifications quotidiennes.
![land land](
![land2 land2](
Le système SIG des biens nationaux spécialement conçu pour Mapbis (MEOP GIS) permet à la Direction de gérer et de surveiller chaque parcelle dans chaque région du pays dans une base de données homogène; comparer les prix unitaires des parcelles voisines; évaluer le statut des biens immobiliers; et créer de la valeur dans l’économie du pays.
Mapbis system was designed to meet new requirements as they arise. For example, for efficient evaluation of parcels, essential data include location, topography, rent status, distance to seaside or highway, slope and aspect. Also, changes in status and unit price must be updated continuously.
A further need for accurate and reliable data is that these are used in creating value for public financing or supporting farmers through new laws and regulations on topics such as parcels which were originally forest but are now occupied by agriculture or residential buildings, or parcels which are unregistered but are occupied.
A third need is to have an open, auditable and reportable system with fast access which can simultaneously present 2D or 3D features, and which can serve multiple internal or external users.
The system had been designed for desktop, and 2D and 3D web browsing systems. All the internal units in provinces and sub provinces can access the system.
Any transaction on a parcel, such as renting, selling, allocation, change in right to use, deforestation or burning, can be queried and reported on the map.
Mapbis’ GIS system can also enable comparison of selected parcels in terms of any related information, within a given district or province.
The redundant data in the two General Directorates database were cross-checked and unified. Problematic or suspicious parcels were reported for further investigation and correction.
Information became sharable with external departments via
Web Mapping (WMS) and Web Feature (WFS) Services. Orthophoto images in external departments are acquired via WMS and WFS services.
For intuitive use and navigation, an integrated local 3D web based virtual globe application was developed with Google Earth Enterprise System, for example to check slope and aspect of a parcel.
For field use, applications were designed for web based and mobile users. Directorate staff, can easily connect to central database to access and update information on any parcel.
- Evaluation of deforested/burned areas previously took 3-5 years, but now takes only 3 months
- Management and monitoring of old and new parcel transactions can be displayed on the map
- Many external map data can now be accessed via web services
- All local units of the Directorate are now using the same system
- Any required text/map based reports can be displayed within the system
- A nationwide integrated 3D Web server application was developed for efficient access and display
Une agence du ministère des Finances, la Direction générale des biens nationaux est chargée de l’enregistrement des biens immobiliers dans l’ensemble de la Turquie, de l’enregistrement des transactions, de l’affectation des terres à d’autres besoins gouvernementaux tels que les écoles, les hôpitaux, les zones franches, les universités, etc. pour la location et la vente de terrains publics.
Technologie utilisée
- Base de données Sybase
- SIG MapInfo Professional
- SDK Web basé sur MapXtreme 2D Web
- affichage et analyse de cartes Web / Desktop 3D / 2D Web et Google Earth Enterprise